Information for Parents

We have provided an online pack of information for all parents and carers that aims to answer many of your questions and be a helpful reference point for frequently asked questions.

What is my child learning this year?
  • At the beginning of each term, class teachers will send you a curriculum overview and learning goals for the class. Parent/carer and teacher consultations take place in the Autumn and Summer Terms. Every child receives a mid-year report which is given to parents/carers in the Spring Term.
  • Parents/carers are encourage to contact their class teacher if they have any questions about their progress or wellbeing. Parent/Teacher meetings can be arranged
  • We encourage parents/carers to understand the curriculum goals and progression of learning thorought the school. By attending workshops and reading information packs, parents/carers gain a better understanding as well as good communication with class teachers. We also provide the Long Term Learning Plans and termly curriculum maps for each class.
What is the School uniform and where can I buy uniform?

You can buy some items from a range of clothes shops, online and supermarket clothing departments.

All items with the school logo can be purchased here.

The PTA frequently run Pre-Loved Uniform sales where good quality second-hand items can be bought for very low prices. These items can be purchased at anytime on request via the School Office.

Uniform List

How does the school communicate with me?

Your class teacher is your first point of contact for any queries, questions or concerns. You can contact your class teacher via Class Dojo or the School Office. The School Office will use Arbor to communicate with you, send reminders and school administration emails.

How do I sign up to Class Dojo?


We use the online platform Class Dojo for the majority of our communication with parents. Families receive messages for the whole school and each class has their own page where teachers post information about learning, reminders and notices. We also share photos from the classroom so parents and carers can see how we learn at school. Parents can message their teacher directly and children can share important moments with their family at home. Each child has their own “Portfolio” where they can post their homework and news they want to share with their teacher from home. This helps teachers build stronger and better relationships with children and their families. 

When your child starts at Sulivan, you will be given instructions how to set up your account and how to use the app/website.

What are the timings of each day?

Please click here to view the school start and finish times as well as examples of a class timetable.

How do I request/cancel school lunches?

Please contact the School Office to request or cancel school lunches. or 020 77365869

Termly menus are circulated on Class Dojo each term.

Is there a Parent Code of Conduct?

Yes. The School is committed to developing positive, respectful and relationships with parents and carers. Please read our Code of Conduct to understand these expectations.

Parent Code of Conduct

Home/School Agreement

What are the term dates for the year?

To view our Term Dates, please click here.

Does the school give guidance on how I can help my child to learn at home?

Yes. Class Teachers will regularly give you support on how to help your child achieve their best. Each term you will be given an overview of their curriculum and learning goals. We also provide materials that help you to understand how we teach pupils areas of the curriculum, developmental goals and learning skills.

Do you have advice about online safety?

Yes. We encourage all parents to read our Keeping Children Safe Online Guide, attend workshops run by the school, and ask us if you have any questions about this important issue.