We offer an inclusive curriculum that aims to meet all pupils’ needs. The majority of pupils’ needs will be met through classroom teaching. When a child’s progress or ability to access the full curriculum is not as expected for their age, the school will assess their needs and implement a graduated approach to supporting all SEND. The four areas of SEND are supported by the school, specialist agencies and the local SEND offer. 

  • Communication and interaction
  • Cognition and learning
  • Social, emotional and mental Health difficulties
  • Physical and/or sensory needs

SEND support is graduated to ensure that the needs of pupils are met by the school and the local authority. The appropriate level of support is determined and discussed between the school and parents.

To view the school’s SEND policy please click here.

Level 1 

Quality first teaching gives all pupils access to the age-appropriate curriculum with moderate differentiation and class support and/or differentiated and adapted learning tasks. 

Level 2

Alongside quality first teaching, a pupil is given additional support through highly differentiated planning, in-class additional support and adapted learning tasks. A pupil’s needs are assessed by the school for requiring targeted intervention sessions provided by the school in order to work towards specific targets within a set timeframe.

Level 3

A higher level of support has been identified for the pupil in one or more of the areas of SEND. The pupil’s strengths, needs and progress has been assessed over at least two terms. The school identifies that additional support from specialist agencies is required to meet the pupil’s needs. The school supports referral/s to external agencies for SEND assessments for specialist support via the local offer. Assessments inform additional support, targets and specialist support required to meet the pupil’s needs.

Level 4

Long term, high needs support is likely to be required by the pupil in order to access the curriculum. The school/parent/carer agree to make a referral for the assessment for higher needs support via an Education, Health, Care Plan (EHCP) to the Local Authority. The EHCP Needs Assessment process begins to assess the SEND needs of the pupil.

Level 5

The pupil is issued with a Implementation of highly specialised support via an EHCP (Education, Health Care Plan) issued by the Local Authority SEND offer.

We regularly assess the progress of every child at the school. When teachers are concerned about the progress and attainment of a child they will follow the SEND policy with support of the SENDCO. Parents will be informed of any concerns and will work in partnership with the school in the best interests of the child. 

We are able to implement a range of interventions that support specific targets for learning. These are focused in the core areas of learning as well as mental health and wellbeing. 

Since national school closures in March 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic children have missed a substantial amount of classroom teaching and learning. Many children require catch-up support in order to secure missed or lost learning. These are likely to be small group or 1:1 sessions that focus on specific areas of the English or Maths curriculum. 

All interventions follow the Assess, Plan, Do, Review cycle to ensure that additional support is targeted, measured and impactful. 

  • Assess needs of a child are assessed and targets identified. 
  • Plan targeted additional support is planned for a specific timeframe.
  • Do an appropriate intervention is implemented to achieve identified target/s.
  • Review an assessment of the impact of the intervention or additional support is made by measuring pupil progress and targets.

Next steps for support may be discussed at this stage to determine whether further support is required. 

We encourage a collaborative and supportive relationship with parents and carers at all stages of identifying and supporting special educational needs. Parents and carers should raise any concerns they have with their class teacher in the first instance. Meetings with the SENDCo can be arranged to discuss any part of this process. 

Sulivan Primary School is an inclusive school and committed to the provision of education for children with SEND (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities). Louise Jones is our SEND Coordinator (SENDCo) and can be contacted via the school office on 020 7736 5869 or 

To view the school’s SEND Information Report, click here

To view more information about the school’s learning and development support, click here.