
Sulivan Primary School has a rich and important history in the Parson’s Green community. 

Who was Charlotte Sulivan?

Sulivan Primary School was named after Charlotte Antonia Sulivan. She was the youngest of the five children and lived in Broom House, Fulham.

Charlotte was born in 1824 and died in 1911. By the time of her death she was a very rich woman. She inherited Broom House and lived there alone for more than half her lifetime. Charlotte gave generously to many local causes. In addition to Sulivan Hall, the Sulivan name is also remembered today in Sulivan Road (laid out in 1913 although the houses were not built until the 1920s) and in Sulivan Court and Sulivan Primary School. 

When was Sulivan Primary School built?

Sulivan School was built in 1951 on the site of the No 2 Hurlingham Polo ground. It was the first post war LCC school of its kind, having spacious accommodation, including 2 assembly halls, a separate dining room and a walk-in stock room to every classroom. It was built at the same time as Sulivan Court to accommodate the children from these homes.

The school was officially opened in the spring of 1952 by Herbert Morrisson, who was the leader of the LCC and later became the Home Secretary in the Atlee Government.

How many classes were there?

In 1951, when the children were admitted there were just three classes, these were made up of children of the first families moving into Sulivan Court and were mixed ages.The Headteacher was Miss Margaret McIntyre, who had been the deputy head at Harwood. There were just three staff. The first deputy head Mr Peter Smith was appointed in 1954 when the number of classes rose to five as more blocks of the flats were occupied. By 1956, the school reached its capacity of seven classes and a nursery class was added by Headteacher, Mrs Dacey.

Did you know?

Princess Diana visited Sulivan Primary School in 1987.

The first school journey was held in 1955, two weeks at the Summerhill Hotel in the Shanklin in the Isle of Wight, costing £10 all inclusive.