Curriculum Overview
Curriculum Intent
At Sulivan we offer a broad and balanced curriculum which allows all learners to succeed. It is underpinned with learning key literacy and numeracy skills and enhanced by a wider curriculum that enriches children’s life experiences. Our aim is that children leave Sulivan ready for the next stage of their education and with a life-long passion for learning.
We foster children’s emotional development as we recognise the impact this has on children becoming resilient young learners who feel able to take risks and make mistakes. We emphasise the importance of learning in and about the natural environment so they understand their place in the world.
To make learning meaningful for the children, we make use of the local area, both within the school grounds and beyond, to support their acquisition of skills and knowledge.
Curriculum Implementation
At Sulivan, our curriculum is carefully sequenced into units of work, which are broken down into small steps and build on prior learning.
Teaching and learning is based on Rosenshine’s Principles. Daily review, teacher modelling, questioning for understanding and guided practice are key elements of every lesson to help children move new learning into their long-term memory.
The core subjects of Maths and English are taught daily and all other subjects are taught throughout the week. We plan the curriculum to ensure that all children receive a broad range of lessons and subjects each week in every year group.
We prioritise children’s mental health and well-being with weekly garden school sessions in our wild garden, access to a range of extra-curricular music opportunities and Emotional Literacy Support (ELSA). Zones of Regulation are embedded fully across the school.
School trips, visiting experts and partnerships with local clubs and organisations complement our curriculum, give children a chance to learn from experts in their fields and ensure learning is practical and hands on.
More information about how our curriculum meets the needs of pupils with SEND can be found here