Each child’s development and progress is assessed and tracked from when they begin the Nursery class. When children begin Reception, each child is assessed using the statutory Reception baseline assessment. In the summer term of Reception the EYFS Profile is completed for each child. This is reported to parents in the summer term report.
Year 1 Phonics Screen
Children in Year 1 sit a phonics screening check in the summer term. This involves reading 40 words, both real and made up, which assess how well they are able to decode and blend intial sounds, digraphs and trigraphs. Children who do not pass the phonics screening check in Year 1 are required to resit it in Year 2.
Year 4 Mutiplication Timestable Check
In the summer term, Year 4 children take a short, online test to assess their fluency in recalling the times tables facts. The multiplication tables check (MTC) is reported to parents and the DfE.
Year 6 Standard Assessment Tests (SATs)
Towards the end of Year 6, children complete tests in Reading, English Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar (SPAG) and Maths. These tests are set and marked externally. Assessments results are reported to parents.
To view the school’s most recent statutory assessment results, please click here.