
Our aim at Sulivan Primary School is to ensure that every child, no matter their stage or age, makes excellent progress, achieves our expectations and recognises their own achievements. Assessement takes place in many forms and it is this combination of a range strategies that ensures every child’s progress is monitored effectively. Children not making expected progress are identified and support is put in place either in the classroom or through a small group intervention. 

Formative Assessment

Formative assessment takes place every lesson and is on going throughout the lesson. Through questioning and guided practice teachers can assess how well children are achieiving against that lesson's learning objective. It helps teachers know whether children are ready to move on to the next step in their learning, reinforce the current learning step or to revisit prior learning. 

Summative Assessments

Reading and Mathematics

Children in Year 1 to Year 5 sit a termly standardised assessment in reading (PIRA) and mathematics (PUMA). This gives teachers a snap shot of each child's achievement measured against national benchmarks and allows us to monitor their progress term on term.  Children in Year 6 sit mock SATs papers to enable teachers to find gaps in thier knowledge, measure attainment against national benchmarks and measyre prgress towards end of Key Satge 2 expectations. 


Teachers formerly assess children's writing once a term, using the United Learning Writing Assessment guidance. A range of writing is used, drawn from all curriculum areas to help teachers make these judgements. Children are assessed against a set of critieria each term, dependent on what they have been taught that term.


The progress children in Year 1 and Reception are making in their phonics aquisition is assessed every six weeks. This ensures teachers are aware of children who are making good progress with their phonics learning and identifies children who need extra support. Children not making expected progress receive Keep Up intervention sessions on a daily basis. 


Teachers in the EYFS formerly assess children in Reception and Nursery each term against the Early Learning Goals. 

Feedback and Marking

At Sulivan, our Feedback Policy prioritises verbal feedback 'in the moment' or during the lesson. This is because evidence shows that verbal feedback has the biggest impact in correcting children's misconceptions and moving their learning on. Teachers give immediate and specific feedback to children so that they can address misconceptions and misunderstandings as quickly as possible

When written feedback is used children are expected to respond to these comments. 

As well as teacher to pupil feedback, peer to peer feedback is also a valuable strategy used to support pupils' learning.

Parent Communication

Assessment and analysis of children’s progress and attainment is shared with parents and carers each term. Individual children’s needs are discussed between teachers and parents and carers.

Statutory Assessments


Each child’s development and progress is assessed and tracked from when they begin the Nursery class. When children begin Reception, each child is assessed using the statutory Reception baseline assessment. In the summer term of Reception the EYFS Profile is completed for each child. This is reported to parents in the summer term report.

Year 1 Phonics Screen

Children in Year 1 sit a phonics screening check in the summer term. This involves reading 40 words, both real and made up, which assess how well they are able to decode and blend intial sounds, digraphs and trigraphs. Children who do not pass the phonics screening check in Year 1 are required to resit it in Year 2. 

Year 4 Mutiplication Timestable Check

In the summer term, Year 4 children take a short, online test to assess their fluency in recalling the times tables facts.  The multiplication tables check (MTC) is reported to parents and the DfE.

Year 6 Standard Assessment Tests (SATs)

Towards the end of Year 6, children complete tests in Reading, English Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar (SPAG) and Maths. These tests are set and marked externally. Assessments results are reported to parents. 

To view the school’s most recent statutory assessment results, please click here.