Remote Learning

We hope your child can be with us in school every day, but when an exceptional circumstance means this is not possible, the school will help you to ensure learning continues at home.  
In addition if your child is unable to be in school with us, but is well enough to learn, please follow the following steps: 
Contact your child’s class teacher via Class Dojo. They will be able to provide you with suggested activities for your child’s learning.
Look at our curriculum page. Each subject has a curriculum overview, where you will be able to see what your child should be learning.  
There are many fantastic websites which your child can access easily to support them with their learning at home: 
  • BBC Bitesize. You will find great videos to support learning across a range of subjects 
  • TTRS. Times Tables Rockstars is fantastic for regular practice of times tables
  • Oak Academy  has a wide range of lessons available for all curriculum subjects.  
  • Little Wandle has many activities and videos to support home learning for phonics.
Please do not hesitate to email or ring the school if you have any questions.