Curriculum Intent
At Sulivan we aim for all our pupils to develop a life-long love of music through a wide range of quality musical experiences which engage and inspire them. At the heart of our music curriculum are creativity, curiosity and excitement and an aim to develop children’s confidence, self-esteem, and collaborative skills. Our vision is that every child moves on to secondary school feeling that they have had an opportunity to express themselves through music and explore their creativity.
At Sulivan, we celebrate our musical talents in many ways and occasions. Examples of these include our annual Christmas concert, Spring concert, Year 6 Leaver's production, our class assemblies, and several occasions throughout the year for instrumental players to showcase their progress in front of an audience. We also have a choir who rehearse weekly and are given chances to perform each term.
We offer a curriculum which focuses on the following:
To develop singing, improvisation and composing skills by using tuned and un-tuned percussion instruments , ukuleles, recorders and keyboards.
- To listen to and appraise a wide range of high quality recordings from different backgrounds, traditions, genres and periods. To understand how this contributes to the diversity of musical styles.
- The ability to express opinions and give verbal and written explanations using musical terminology accurately and appropriately.
- The opportunity to put ideas into action, take risks, “have a go” and to perform in front of others, individually, in groups or as a whole class.
- An understanding that music learning takes time and practise. To be patient with one’s own learning and take small steps at a time in order to master our instrumental and vocal skills.
Curriculum Implementation
Our curriculum takes a holistic approach to music, in which the individual strands (performing, composing, listening, history of music, inter-related dimensions of music) are woven together to create an engaging learning experience to meet the National Curriculum requirements.
At Sulivan we use a spiral curriculum model where previous skills and knowledge are returned to and built upon. Lessons are taught using Rosenshine's principles. The progression of skills is based on the Model Music Curriculum and ensures children develop understanding and knowledge of the history of music, staff, and other musical notations as well as the inter-related dimensions of music.
In KS1 children have a weekly half an hour music lesson as well as a half an hour singing assembly. In KS2 children have a weekly 45-minute music lessons as well as a half an hour singing assembly. All lessons and assemblies are taught by a specialist music teacher.
Lessons are taught using digital resources such as Sparkyard, Sing up, Recorder Magic, Classroom 200. Physical resources include keyboards, djembe drums, percussion, flutes, ukuleles, recorders, and guitars.
Music is assessed verbally using ongoing, formative developmental feedback and children regularly peer and self-assess during lessons or by watching recordings of their own performances. Musical learning is celebrated with end of term Music certificates and music awards in the weekly achievement assemblies.
We overcome any barriers to instrumental learning by providing both whole class and small group instrument lessons free of charge, as well as providing children with instruments to take home and a specialist music classroom where they can practice at school.
We provide children with access to choirs, orchestra club and performance opportunities throughout the year both in and out of school.
We listen to our students and connect them to outside agencies to further their musical ambitions through our strong ties with the Tri-Borough Music Hub.
We ensure that children experience a variety of styles and genres of music through live professional concerts and our ‘Music of the Week’ listening programme.