Curriculum Intent
At Sulivan we aim to provide a science education that enables our students to better understand the world around them. We ensure all our pupils see themselves in our teaching in order to encourage and inspire scientific curiosity.
Our curriculum is ambitious and taught through a systematic approach which progresses through foundational subject knowledge of biology, physics and chemistry, which ensures a broad and balanced curriculum. To support core disciplinary knowledge we also develop skills through working scientifically and provide opportunities for children to take part in practical experiments. By working practically all children will apply their core knowledge and will learn how to observe changes, record and present data that has been collected and analyse and evaluate findings to draw scientific conclusions
Curriculum Implementation
At Sulivan, our science learning is brought to life through hands on experiences within the classroom and in our wonderful outdoor learning spaces. We have adopted the United Learning Science Curriculum because it is carefully sequenced to ensure children’s subject knowledge and development of scientific skills are woven together, whilst building in prior learning
Topics are taught and built upon throughout their time at Sulivan allowing children to revisit knowledge previously taught before furthering their understanding within a topic. In the EYFS children understand their scientific objectives within the Understand the World strand of their curriculum
Topics in Y1 to Y6 are taught discretely in half termly blocks in the order suggested by United Learning to ensure lessons build on prior learning and teachers plan at least four sessions in each unit to cover the core non-negotiable knowledge.
Before starting a new topic knowledge organisers are sent home with key concepts and vocabulary which support children’s acquisition of scientific facts and terminology.
We use low stakes quizzes to assess children’s learning and help them recall prior leaning in order to embed new concepts in their long-term memory.
In lessons children have access to resources and scaffolds where needed to support their learning. Content of lessons is broken down into small steps and the I We You approach is used to allow for modelling, guided practice and independent study. Trips and visiting speakers enhance the taught curriculum.
Curriculum Documents
Science Curriculum Map